Wednesday, July 14, 2010

PLC / Job Placement

Program logic controller module has been fun. Our instructer is very knowlegable, and the subject matter is important and interesting. PLC's are everywhere in industry. They control machine outputs based on inputs using machine logic. Programming them is an interesting task. Likely I will not be required to program as a Technician, however knowing what goes into the PLC logic allows a technician to troubleshoot system faults. Troubleshooting has taken up a large amount of time in class. This is a subject that I am sure will be reinforced by work in the field.

This week is also mock-interview week. One of our job placement staff recorded interviews of us in groups, and gave us valuable feedback on our performance.

Next week we are eligable to apply for jobs. I am excited to start that process. The time I have been waiting for has come where the jobs I see in the field may be the jobs I will be applying for. Before this time my jobsearch has been more tuned to gaining general insight into the job market. I am so thrilled to be entering the renewable energy sector at a critical time of change in our modern erergy system. Public awareness, government incentives, and technology have met in a trifecta of change. The catastrophy in the Gulf region stand as a catalyst for change, and people worldwide have become more and more aware of the need to revolutionize how we think about, consume, and produce power.

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