Friday, March 19, 2010

For those interested in learning a little more about Wind Energy around the world, a nice clean Wiki listing is here:
There is a lot of information to take in out on the web, and knowing even a little bit of it can help further the cause of big wind. Wind Energy provides a form of electricity that is close to the most efficient and inexpensive forms of power. Even more importantly, as we head into more and more complicatedpolitics and ecological issues around energy, Wind is ever more the premier choice for satisfying our hunger for juice.

Wind energy produces no carbon emissions. When operating, a wind turbine consumes no water, no fuel, and no air. Nothing is burnt or consumed in the making of wind energy.
There are no measurable levels of polutants emitted by wind turbines during operation, and most maintain an uptime of 95-98%. This means that even considering maintainance, almost every turbine installed is ready to make power at all times.

1-2 year studies are conducted on future wind park sites using MET towers (meterological equipment) to determine the usefulness of a site for wind energy. To me this means simply that turbines are almost all always on and generating. As technology comes along with improvements, and more service technicians are available and competently trained, turbine efficience will improve, and service life will be lengthened.

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